Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO)
A truly independent, objective analysis of your organisation’s security posture, with hands-on support and guidance from one of our own cyber experts
Xpertex’ Virtual CISO (vCISO) service allows you to access the experience and expertise of a world-class CISO over the course of a year, for less than half the cost of employing one full-time. Our vCISO will work closely with teams from across your organisation to deliver an objective assessment of security strengths and weaknesses, followed by the development and execution of a detailed improvement plan, delivering:

Our vCISO will follow a highly refined, three-step process over the course of twelve months, helping to establish a true cyber security culture across the organisation.
Based on this matrix, the vCISO will set up dedicated groups around each area of responsibility and chair regular meetings over the course of 2-3 months to establish processes and ensure best practice is communicated and followed.
For the remainder of the year, the vCISO will be present 2-3 days per month to drive the necessary changes and maintain strong channels of communication between different areas of the business, ensuring that strategic elements are understood by all teams, and that tactical elements are communicated as tangible business risks.
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Why Xpertex?
Xpertex is a trusted technology partner for a wide range of organisations across the military, defence, intelligence, and private sectors. As a result, our vCISOs have been involved in the successful execution of numerous complex digital transformation projects, and so take a deeply consultative, holistic approach to establishing an organisation’s current level of cyber security maturity, and then ensuring goals are achieved and effective processes embedded.