Xpertex is listed on 4th iteration of the Digital Outcomes and Specialists (DOS 4) Framework

UK based Cyber & Information Security specialist company Xpertex has been successful in its application and has been awarded a listing on the Digital Outcomes and Specialists (DOS 4) Framework in the ‘Digital Specialists’ category. ‘Digital specialists’ includes the roles essential for the design, creation and implementation of public sector digital services. These include business […]
Xpertex – Who are we?

ABOUT US Formed in 2006, we have grown year-on-year because the working relationships we form are valued and lasting. We have built our company through a reputation for high quality delivery and the right application of deep subject matter expertise. Xpertex has experience in the physical, human and cyber security domains and we build long […]
Xpertex Research & Development team develops ‘Data Centre In A Box’ for easy and secure remote implementations

Xpertex Labs, the research & development team of UK based Cyber & Information Security specialist Xpertex, has developed the Data Centre In A Box (DCIAB). DCIAB is a tough, rack mounted, hardware configuration with a distinct purpose. Housed in a mobile, heavy-duty, shock-resistant, racked flight-case, it is designed to be assembled and configured in a […]
Cyber Security, where to start and the power of your people

Information is critical for any organisation trading in today’s digital economy. The ability to conduct business using IT systems in a timely, robust and secure manner is taken for granted. However, many organisations find it difficult to determine and then implement an appropriate security posture in an environment of constant and growing cyber threats. The […]