Why 2024 will be the year managed services come of age

Why 2024 will be the year managed services come of age

There’s no doubt that 2023 was a challenging year for organisations at all levels, across both the public and private sectors. One just has to take a look at the news to see the world is going through a period of fundamental change, which means organisations are forced to adapt, scale, and transform in ways that would never previously have been considered.

The Threat of Phishing and the ‘Human Firewall’

The Threat of Phishing and the ‘Human Firewall’ - If a phishing email is sitting in an employee’s inbox, it’s down to their security awareness to prevent disaster.

Phishing is one of the most prevalent methods of breaching organisations’ cyber defences. You can have the best cyber security in the industry, but it only takes one ill-considered click and it’s all over. The ‘Human Firewall’ is your final line of defence when all other mechanisms have failed. If a phishing email is sitting in an employee’s inbox, it’s down to their security awareness to prevent disaster.

Smishing – learning to spot and secure against an emerging cyber threat

Smishing is a new form of cyber-attack that organisations must be aware of and ensure their employees are able to spot in order to ensure human error does not compromise the integrity of critical data.

Anyone’s who’s used email over the years will be familiar the wide range of fake communications that encourage us to hand over our sensitive data – known as ‘phishing’ – and measures for identifying and securing against such communications are now an established part of cyber security best practice.

Confidence, Credibility, and World-class Security: Understanding the Cyber Essentials scheme

Cyber security is both more complex and more critical than ever before. For organisations ranging from start-ups to global leaders, an increasingly complex range of threats must be given careful consideration, as customers expect clear evidence that their sensitive data will always remain fully secure.

With so many factors to consider, and new ones appearing on a near-daily basis, developing robust cyber security can seem like an overwhelming prospect at first. Fortunately, the Cyber Essentials scheme provides a proven, recognised roadmap for establishing a true security culture within companies, helping them stay several steps ahead of global bad actors.